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Happy birthday, Michelle Obama! She turns 53, SEE 10 of Her Best Quotes on Hope, Fear and Moving Forward

Happy birthday, Michelle Obama! She turns 53, SEE 10 of Her Best Quotes on Hope, Fear and Moving Forward
Happy birthday, Michelle Obama!
She turns 53 on January 17, 2017

In her final days as first lady, Obama has reached out to her supporters with speeches, interviews and one final appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show

Happy Birthday, Michelle Obama! 10 of Her Best Quotes on Hope, Fear and Moving Forward


“You cannot take your freedoms for granted. Just like generations who have come before you, you have to do your part to preserve and protect those freedoms...you need to be preparing yourself to add your voice to our national conversation. You need to prepare yourself to be informed and engaged as a citizen, to serve and to lead, to stand up for our proud American values and to honor them in your daily lives.”

—From her final speech as First Lady on Jan. 6, 2017

“If we want maturity, we have to be mature. If we want a nation that feels hopeful, then we have to speak in hopeful terms. … We have to model what we want.”

Interview with Oprah Winfrey in Dec. 2017

"I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong. So don't be afraid. You hear me, young people? Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourself with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of you boundless promise. Lead by example with hope; never fear."

—From her final speech as First Lady on Jan. 6, 2017

“We have bumps in the road. We have ups and downs but I want our kids to move forward—I don’t care where they come from—with strength and with hope.”

—Interview on The Tonight Show in Jan. 2017

“Plenty of folks—including me and my husband—started out with very little. But with a good education and a lot of hard work, anything is possible.”

—From her final speech as First Lady on Jan. 6, 2017

"Let us not forget: I didn’t just wake up first lady...I mean, I went to law school, I practiced law, I worked for the city, I ran a nonprofit (and) I was an executive at a hospital. I’ve been in the world. I’ve worked in every sector, and you don’t do that without coming up against some stuff. You know, having your feelings hurt, having people say things about you that aren’t true. … Life hits you, so over the course of living, you learn how to protect yourself in it. You learn to take in what you need and get rid of the stuff that’s clearly not true."

Interview with Oprah Winfrey in Dec. 2017

“We’re so afraid of each other. . . Color, wealth, these things that don’t really matter still play too much of a role in how we see one another. And it’s sad, because the thing that least defines us is the color of our skin.”

Interview with Oprah Winfrey in Dec. 2017

“I will always be engaged in some way in public service and public life. The minute I left my corporate-law firm to work for the city, I never looked back. I’ve always felt very alive using my gifts and talents to help other people. I sleep better at night. I’m happier.”

Vogue, Dec. 2016

"Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don't matter, or like you don't have a place in our American story—because you do. And you have a right to be exactly who you are.”

—From her final speech as First Lady on Jan. 6, 2017

“I’m not done. I’m too young to stop.”
—Interview on The Tonight Show in Jan. 2017

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